Upcoming events.
Big things are happening in 2025! Instead of separate Youth Camps across Aotearoa New Zealand, we’re bringing EVERYONE TOGETHER for Youth Together AT Congress—and trust us, you do not want to miss this!
Young people from Aotearoa New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa—all in one place for one EPIC weekend! Get ready for powerful moments, next-level fun, and a community like no other.
We’ll be diving into all the incredible Congress events, joining with the wider Salvation Army whānau for worship, teaching, connection, and fun! If you loved Amplify, this is even bigger—an opportunity to connect, grow, and celebrate what God is doing among us.
Plus, we’re stepping it up with our very own Youth Accommodation—a space designed just for us! And the best part? The cost is only $70 per person! Check out the website (congress2025.org.nz) to see what’s included and start planning and fundraising today!
We know this is a big trip for our South Island Waipounamu crew, so we’re offering travel subsidies to help make it happen. More details will be available when registrations open soon!
This is for High School (Years 9–13), school leavers up to age 20, and their youth leaders. Plus, there will be an opportunity for Young Adults (21–25) to apply for any available beds in the Youth Accommodation—so if you’re keen, stay tuned for more info!
If you’re in, get ready—registrations open mid March! Keep an eye on the Congress website (congress2025.org.nz) and your emails for all the details.
If you have any questions, please contact us at nextgen@salvationarmy.org.nz.

Youth Camp Living Springs
Youth camp is an amazing weekend where youth come together from all over the Motu. The aim for the weekend is for you, our young people, to discover more about God and connect with each other. There will be so many great opportunities over the weekend including worship, games, workshops, and so much more. We are so excited to have you join us at Youth Camp and can’t wait to see how God is going to move in your lives.
Intermediate Camp
Grow Intermediate Camp is an awesome weekend where intermediates from all over the Motu come together to learn about Jesus, have adventures, make new friends, and have a crazy amount of fun!
This includes interactive teach times for young people to engage with, crazy big messy games, quiet spaces to retreat to and hang out and amazing times of worship.
Youth Camp Waikanae
Youth camp is an amazing weekend where youth come together from all over the Motu. The aim for the weekend is for you, our young people, to discover more about God and connect with each other. There will be so many great opportunities over the weekend including worship, games, workshops, and so much more. We are so excited to have you join us at Youth Camp and can’t wait to see how God is going to move in your lives.
Youth Camp Ngaruawahia
Youth camp is an amazing weekend where youth come together from all over the Motu. The aim for the weekend is for you, our young people, to discover more about God and connect with each other. There will be so many great opportunities over the weekend including worship, games, workshops, and so much more. We are so excited to have you join us at Youth Camp and can’t wait to see how God is going to move in your lives.
Our 15th anniversary! Save the date and stay tuned for all the deets!

Just Action - Social Justice Conference
Explore how communities fight for change around alcohol abuse & harm in their neighbourhood at Just Action 2023 in Wellington!

Northern & Southern Easter Camps!
Our youth and leaders are gearing up for a weekend of fun, friends, and Jesus! Two camps - one in the North and one down South of New Zealand - are in for an amazing time together, please pray for them as they go!

Where: Williams Park, Days Bay, Wellington
What: Open mic stage, water toys, food, competitions and community
Open to all divisions and regions.
See you @ the beach!

Our most beloved creative arts/Summer camp experience is back and shaping up better than ever… applications now open for 2023!