It’s an exciting thing to get a nudge from God.
It’s that strong and passionate prompt in our heart or mind to do something that makes a difference for God and for others.
You may be here because you’ve had just such a nudge toward Salvation Army officership.
So take a look around, watch our videos, read the information that’s here to help you. And then, talk to your corps officer or candidates secretary. Talk to your friends, your family, your husband or wife if you’re married.
Most of all, talk to God. Trust God to lead you. Trust God to use you.
And thanks. Thanks for saying yes to exploring Salvation Army officership!
A Salvation Army officer iS A commissioned and ordained leader of The Salvation Army.
Salvation Army officers enter into the following covenant with God:
01. Called by god.
Covenant begins with calling. People hear from God in different ways. Sometimes, God speaks to us and asks us to follow Him. Covenant is a way to show that we’re ready to follow.
02. to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as an officer of The Salvation Army.
An Officer’s highest duty is to know Jesus and to make Him known. This flows out of Jesus’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.
03. I bind myself to him in this solemn covenant.
The Officer Covenant is a solemn and binding promise. Though it shouldn’t be taken lightly, it’s not a chain or a cage to live in, but a commitment to a lifelong, life giving relationship of service and love with Jesus.
04. To love and serve him supremely all my days.
Jesus said the greatest thing we could do is to love God and love others. This part of the covenant promises to make loving and serving Jesus the highest priority in our lives.
05. To live to win souls and make their salvation the first purpose of my life.
The first purpose of an Officer’s life is to introduce people and guide them into a life giving relationship with Jesus.
06. To care for the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, love the unloved, and befriend those who have no friends.
To many, the Good News is a sandwich.
07. To maintain the doctrines and principles of The Salvation Army, and, by God’s grace, to prove myself a worthy officer.
Officers commit to always becoming more and more like Jesus.
“Not called, did you say? Not heard the call, I think you should say!”
— General William Booth, Co-founder of The Salvation Army
Let’s get one thing clear: when Booth wrote these words, he wasn’t referring to officership. He was speaking of God’s call for every believer to proclaim and live out the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you sing in the worship team, help in the kitchen, support the youth group, or join in outreach to the homeless, you are called to embody the good news that Christ came to set people free to live lives of holy love and purpose.
That being said, we often use the language of ‘calling’ about officership because it is a specific calling from God to become available wherever and whenever to lead mission that builds the kingdom of God through The Salvation Army. For some, this comes as a clear and unmistakable message; for others, as a growing awareness that nothing else seems to quite ‘fit’. Chances are, God will tailor his call to you to fit who you are.
Whatever God’s calling you to—officership, or getting more involved with your corps, or bringing grace into the lives of your workmates or your neighbours—make sure you answer!
Read more about the application process and next steps.